Boarding Form

Boarding Form

Contact Us

Boarding Form

Diet Information


Health History

General Questions

Boarding Waiver/Release

  1. A full day's board is charged for all overnight stays. Drop off time is before 11 am & pick up time is anytime before 5:30 Monday-Friday. Pick up times on Saturday & Sunday are at 9 am & 5 pm. *THERE IS NO DROP OFFS ON THE WEEKENDS, PICK UPS ONLY* There is no additional charge if your dog is picked up by 9:00 am any day of the week. There will be a Half Day charge for dogs picked up after 9:00 am and before 1:00 pm, Monday-Friday. There will be a Full Day charge for dogs picked up between 1:00 pm & 5:30 pm, Monday-Friday or if you pick up at 5:00 pm on the weekend. Discharges after hours are not allowed. Please let us know when you are picking up so we can have your dog ready for you. Bathing is done the day before or the day of departure if requested.
  2. Personal items may be left at your own risk. We are not responsible for loss or damage. Please label them accordingly. You must let us know if your pet is destructive. You will be financially responsible for articles such as but not limited to beds, blankets, leashes etc. that are damaged during their stay if we are not notified.
  3. Barks on the Boulevard cannot guarantee the health of any dog(s), but pledges to give appropriate care to all boarded dogs. We make a concerted effort to keep our kennels as clean and sanitary as possible. I hold this facility harmless for conditions that often are unavoidable in boarding environments, including, but not limited to, weight loss, rough hair coat, kennel cough, upper respiratory infection, diarrhea, and fleas. By signing below, you understand that we assume no responsibility for injuries incurred.
  4. Your dog’s health, comfort and safety is our number one priority. In an event that your dog becomes ill. You will be notified immediately. If Barks on the Boulevard feels that the Illness is serious, and you or your emergency contact is not available, we will seek immediate veterinary care at Marcy Veterinary Clinic or a like facility.
  5. I acknowledge that in the event that my dog(s) becomes ill, and if the staff at Barks on the Boulevard are unable to contact me or my emergency contact. I hereby authorized Marcy Veterinary Clinic or a like facility to initiate appropriate treatment until I or my designated emergency contact can be reached. I agree to pay all related expenses associated with the treatment of my dog until I am available to discuss further care and fees with the attending veterinarian.

I agree to make complete payment to Barks on the Boulevard upon pickup of my pet. I certify that my pet appears to be free of contagious disease and has not bitten anyone within the past ten days. They have been treated with flea/tick preventative within the past 30 days.

I have read the above and I am in full agreement.

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